Remove the card from the pocket in the front of the book. Write your name and today’s date on the card and place it in the basket on top of the bookcase. That’s it! If you find a book without a card pocket, or if you can’t find a book you’re looking for, please let Brandi know so she can fix the problem. Kids twelve and over can check books out in their own names, but parents must be responsible for the books checked out to younger kids. A list of the books in our library can be found here.

When you are finished with your book, please place it in the returns basket and it will be shelved for you.

As you use your library book, please steward it for the glory of God, and with the awareness that it belongs to your brothers and sisters as much as it does to you. Please don’t write in the books or dog-ear their pages, and kindly use a bookmark to mark your reading progress instead of placing the book open and face down on a surface.

Keep the book as long as you genuinely are using it, but if you find that it has been sitting unread for weeks, consider returning it until you are able to commit to it properly. Even if no one else has checked the book out in quite some time, it belongs to the Body and should reside in our library as much as possible so that others will have the opportunity to use it as they wish.

If you lose or damage a book, replace it if you can afford to do so. If it falls to someone else to replace a book you’re responsible for, consider before the Lord the possibility of serving them with your time and talents in exchange for their gracious reparations to the church body.

If you are able to and would like to financially bless our library ministry, please speak to the elders.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!

May the Lord bless you and grant that you love Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

2 Peter 3:18
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.